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Matthew Seville

Store Manager,

On June 25, 2020, I asked Matt to write about "progress". To me it's more important to focus on progress than to focus on results, since progress is about the journey; not a destination. On that day, Matt wrote me the following:

"Abuse. Self abuse is what you would call it. That's how things used to be. Workout sugarcoating reality, I was an absolute functional alcoholic. Shot for shot I downed every day. Once work was done, right back at it. Many, many years I spent like this. Forcing every day. Faking in an unstable relationship. All the while preparing for a new little girl. It was truly hell. Finally, I suppose my body had had enough. I had already been suffering from various complications, but one day at work it got me bad. I left work immediately. I remember it was a Sunday because I had a check in my pocket and couldn't cash it. I knew I needed to fix it and I finally found myself a drink. Chugged the vile liquid. Instant rejection. My body said no, and as I drove on the freeway, I was overtaken by this feeling. I pulled over right on the shoulder and I got my phone out. I called home to my family and regretfully told them the situation, that I didn't think I'd be making it home. I knew my life was over. I was scared. More scared than I've ever been before. Somehow I did make it to the hospital. After a bit of testing, the doctor was astounded by the amount of nutrients I had lost.

Where I was once 300 lbs and content, I was now 170 lbs, sick, and full of complications. They told me I may have had lasted a week or two without attention. Crazy thoughts filled my head. My girl. My beautiful daughter. All of these things taken for granted. I cried. Forever. I received a full day of treatment and I felt a bit better than dying, but not by much. I removed my iv and I left against strict advice. I walked all the way home. When I arrived, I retired to my messy ass room. I took off of work and that's where I remained for about two to three weeks. It was those weeks I underwent the worst hell you could ever imagine. I'll spare you the details for now. I began to feel guilty. My baby would come into my room every day and say "daddy, it's a sunny day!" I was useless. One morning, I felt okay enough to take her to the park. I pushed her in the swing, watched her climb. I wonder...

Yep yep, sure enough, I got a little brave. I wrapped my hands around the monkey bars, prepared my broken body, and I did a pull-up. One. I felt the blood in my back. My arms. I did another. And another. I'm not looking back fam, the rest is history. I have but one thing to imagine. That little girls face and her innocent optimism. I will not fail. I vowed never again would she go without. Today I maintain my morals and my integrity. I haven't tasted a drop since that day. I seek to push people forward and let them know that it's never too late. NEVER. It's all about progress. And some progress is STILL progress fam."

Little did I know then that two and a half years later, Matt would be the center of our community, working by his side every day. His past gives him the superpower of understanding what a lot of people are going through and provides an insight that can help individuals get on the right track. Matt has achieved incredible things in the time that I've known him, but most importantly, we have fostered a forever friendship and extraordinary respect for one another. Matt has extensive knowledge that oftentimes goes above what I know and is a valuable resource for anyone genuinely wanting to continue walking on a journey of personal betterment. ~ Trevor Nolan Bower


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